Answers to some of the most common questions.
To create an account, contact the facility where the stay occurred and ask if they are using Connected Care Center. If they are then they will be able to register your account.
No. Connected Care Center is available to family and caregivers at no cost.
You can log into Connected Care Center by clicking the log in button found at the top of the home page.
In accordance with the Cures Act, you can view information such as diagnosis, care plans, and lab test. For a complete list of what is available and how Connected Care Center is different from Clinical Chart click here.
Your healthcare providers take great care to ensure your health information is kept private and secure, and so do we. Access to information is controlled through secure activation codes, personal usernames, and passwords.
The information in Connected Care Center comes directly from your healthcare providers. If you think something does not look right, please contact the health provider organization directly.